
This is probably the first time i write my thoughts on an actual blog and THE first time i do it for my webpage.
i wanted to make something that represents me, something that can last for a long time and something that is available for everyone to see. i never really thought of doing it exactly this way until a couple of months ago when i found out about Neocities.
Although im really good with computers, i'm not that good at programming. i really like it though. I started learning HTML out of curiosity but got bored shortly after. When i found out abour Neocities i felt really inspired to make something of my own!. i told one of my friends about this whole "my own website" idea and they seem to really like it! they told me they were going to make their own page soon so i'll post a link in my main page when it's done.
i'm pretty busy at the moment with different things in life, mainly some projects that require a little too much time, i'll still try to update my website as much as i can.